Duration: 6 MONTHS

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Core Java and Advanced Java (Self-Employment)

Course Duration : 6 Months

Course Objectives:
  1. Develop a strong understanding of Core Java and Advanced Java concepts.
  2. Gain practical skills for developing Java-based applications.
  3. Prepare students for self-employment opportunities in software development.
  4. Enhance problem-solving skills using Java programming.
  5. Understand industry practices and standards for Java programming.

Course Overview:

The course spans 6 months, designed for part-time learners aiming to gain proficiency in Java programming. It covers fundamental concepts, advanced topics, and practical applications, ensuring students are well-prepared for self-employment or career advancement in software development.

Course Teaching Methodology:

  • Lectures: Conceptual understanding and theoretical foundations.
  • Hands-On Labs: Practical sessions to apply learned concepts.
  • Assignments: Regular assignments to reinforce learning.
  • Projects: Real-world projects to build practical skills.
  • Quizzes and Tests: Regular assessments to track progress.
  • Discussion Forums: Collaborative learning and doubt resolution.

Importance for Learner:

  • Career Growth: Equips learners with skills highly valued in the software industry.
  • Self-Employment: Provides the foundation to start freelance work or own software development business.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Covers both Core Java and Advanced Java, ensuring a holistic understanding of the language.

Detailed Syllabus:

Module 1: Introduction (Weeks 1-2)

  • Programming Language Types and Paradigms
  • Computer Programming Hierarchy
  • How Computer Architecture Affects a Language?
  • Why Java? Flavors of Java
  • Java Designing Goals
  • Role of Java Programmer in Industry
  • Features of Java Language
  • JVM – The Heart of Java
  • Java’s Magic Bytecode

Module 2: The Java Environment (Weeks 3-4)

  • Installing Java
  • Java Program Development
  • Java Source File Structure
  • Compilation and Execution

Module 3: Basic Language Elements (Weeks 5-6)

  • Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, Literals, Comments
  • Primitive Datatypes, Operators, Assignments

Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming (Weeks 7-10)

  • Class Fundamentals, Object & Object Reference
  • Object Lifetime & Garbage Collection
  • Creating and Operating Objects
  • Constructor & Initialization Code Block
  • Access Control, Modifiers, Methods
  • Nested, Inner Class & Anonymous Classes
  • Abstract Class & Interfaces
  • Method Overloading, Recursion
  • Static Members, Finalize() Method, Native Method
  • Use of “this” reference
  • Modifiers with Classes & Methods
  • Accessors and Mutator Methods
  • Cloning Objects, Shallow and Deep Cloning
  • Generic Class Types

Module 5: Extending Classes and Inheritance (Weeks 11-12)

  • Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP
  • Types of Inheritance in Java
  • Inheriting Data Members and Methods
  • Role of Constructors in Inheritance
  • Overriding Super Class Methods
  • Use of “super”
  • Polymorphism in Inheritance
  • Type Compatibility and Conversion
  • Implementing Interfaces

Module 6: Packages (Weeks 13-14)

  • Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
  • Package as Access Protection
  • Defining Package
  • CLASSPATH Setting for Packages
  • Making JAR Files for Library Packages
  • Import and Static Import
  • Naming Convention for Packages

Module 7: Exception Handling (Weeks 15-16)

  • The Idea Behind Exception
  • Exceptions & Errors
  • Types of Exception
  • Control Flow in Exceptions
  • JVM Reaction to Exceptions
  • Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
  • In-built and User Defined Exceptions
  • Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions

Module 8: Array & String (Weeks 17-18)

  • Defining an Array, Initializing & Accessing Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Array
  • Operation on String, Mutable & Immutable String
  • Using Collection-Based Loop for String
  • Tokenizing a String
  • Creating Strings Using StringBuffer

Module 9: Thread (Weeks 19-20)

  • Understanding Threads
  • Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming
  • Thread Life-Cycle
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronizing Threads
  • Inter Communication of Threads
  • Critical Factor in Thread – DeadLock

Module 10: A Collection of Useful Classes (Weeks 21-22)

  • Utility Methods for Arrays
  • Observable and Observer Objects
  • Date & Times
  • Using Scanner Regular Expression
  • Input/Output Operation in Java (java.io Package)
  • Streams and the New I/O Capabilities
  • Understanding Streams
  • The Classes for Input and Output
  • The Standard Streams
  • Working with File Object
  • File I/O Basics
  • Reading and Writing to Files
  • Buffer and Buffer Management
  • Read/Write Operations with File Channel
  • Serializing Objects

Module 11: GUI Programming (Weeks 23-24)

  • Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
  • Components and Containers
  • Basics of Components, Using Containers
  • Layout Managers
  • AWT Components
  • Adding a Menu to Window
  • Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
  • Java Utilities (java.util Package)
  • The Collection Framework: Collections of Objects
  • Collection Types, Sets, Sequence, Map
  • Understanding Hashing
  • Use of ArrayList & Vector

Module 12: Event Handling (Weeks 25-26)

  • Event-Driven Programming in Java
  • Event-Handling Process
  • Event Handling Mechanism
  • The Delegation Model of Event Handling
  • Event Classes, Event Sources
  • Event Listeners, Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

Module 13: Database Programming using JDBC (Weeks 27-28)

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
  • CRUD Operation Using JDBC
  • Connecting to Non-Conventional Databases

Module 14: Java Server Technologies (Weeks 29-32)

  • Servlet: Web Application Basics
  • Architecture and Challenges of Web Application
  • Introduction to Servlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Developing and Deploying Servlets
  • Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)
  • Handling Request and Response

Final Project and Assessment (Weeks 33-36)

  • Capstone Project: Develop a Full-Fledged Application Incorporating Core and Advanced Java Concepts
  • Final Assessment and Presentation


This course equips students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in Java programming, fostering career growth and providing the foundation for self-employment opportunities. The course contents can be adapted based on learner needs and local requirements, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

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