Duration: 45 DAYS

Course Syllabus

Course Title: PC Technician ( Skill Development Course )

Course Duration: 45 Days

Course Objectives:

  • To equip students with practical skills required to become proficient PC technicians.
  • To provide knowledge of hardware and software troubleshooting, system optimization, and essential networking.
  • To prepare students for self-employment or career advancement in the IT support field.
  • To enhance students’ problem-solving abilities and empower them to provide IT solutions in various settings.

Course Overview:

This 45-day part-time course is designed for individuals aiming to develop skills as a PC Technician. The course covers fundamental and advanced topics such as DOS commands, Windows installation, system optimization, hardware troubleshooting, and essential software tools like Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides. This course is ideal for those seeking to start their own IT support business or pursue career opportunities in the field of computer maintenance and support.

Teaching Methodology:

  • Hands-On Practical Sessions: Emphasis on real-world applications and hands-on training.
  • Lectures and Demonstrations: In-depth explanations and demonstrations of technical concepts.
  • Interactive Workshops: Opportunities to engage with peers and instructors for collaborative learning.
  • Case Studies: Analysis of real-life scenarios to develop problem-solving skills.
  • Self-paced Learning: Assignments and tasks to be completed outside of class hours.
  • Assessments: Regular quizzes, practical exams, and project work to evaluate understanding and skill development.

Importance for Learners in Career Growth and Self-Employment:

  • Career Advancement: The course provides essential skills that enhance employability in IT support and related fields.
  • Self-Employment: Equips learners with the knowledge needed to start their own PC repair and maintenance business.
  • Competitive Edge: Develops a comprehensive skill set that is in high demand in today's technology-driven world.
  • Adaptability: Knowledge gained from this course can be adapted to various IT roles and environments, ensuring versatility in career options.

Syllabus Outline:

Week 1-2: Introduction to PC Technician Skills

  1. Introduction to DOS Commands
    • Basic DOS commands for file management and system navigation.
  2. Mouse Settings
    • Configuring and troubleshooting mouse settings.
  3. Keyboard and Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Customizing keyboard settings and mastering essential shortcuts.
  4. PC Speed Up Techniques
    • Techniques for optimizing PC performance.

Week 3-4: System Setup and Configuration

  1. Windows Installation
    • Step-by-step guide to installing Windows OS.
  2. Creating Bootable Media
    • How to create bootable USB drives and installation media.
  3. Setting Up Outlook
    • Configuration and troubleshooting of Microsoft Outlook.
  4. Internet Session
    • Basics of internet setup, browsing, and security.
  5. Local Network Configuration
    • Setting up and managing local area networks.

Week 5-6: System Optimization and Security

  1. Desktop Right-Click Options
    • Customizing desktop settings and context menus.
  2. Power Options Configuration
    • Managing power settings for performance and energy efficiency.
  3. Printer Setup and Options
    • Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting printers.
  4. Advanced Boot Options
    • Accessing and using advanced boot options for troubleshooting.
  5. Creating New Accounts and Setting Passwords
    • User management and security settings.

Week 7-8: Advanced Configuration and Troubleshooting

  1. Partitioning and Managing Local Disks
    • Dividing and managing hard drive partitions.
  2. Security Options Per User
    • Setting up user-specific security options.
  3. Disabling Auto Startup Applications
    • Managing startup programs to improve system boot time.
  4. Locking Drives
    • Techniques to secure and restrict access to drives.

Week 9-10: Software Installation and Tools

  1. Installing and Updating Drivers
    • How to install, update, and troubleshoot system drivers.
  2. Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides
    • Introduction to Google’s productivity tools and their applications in business.

Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Weekly Quizzes: To reinforce learning and ensure comprehension.
  • Practical Assignments: Tasks that simulate real-world problems and solutions.
  • Final Project: A comprehensive project that includes PC setup, network configuration, and software installation.

Customization Options:

The course content can be adjusted based on the specific needs of learners or regional requirements. The instructor will be available for one-on-one consultation to discuss any modifications that may better suit individual learning goals or local market demands.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will have gained the technical know-how and confidence to pursue a career as a PC technician or start their own IT support business, thus ensuring both personal and professional growth.

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