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Canada has a small population of 35.5 million and an area of almost 9.98 million km?. To put that in perspective, USA has a slightly smaller landmass of 9.86 million km? and a population of 318.9 million whereas India has an area of one-third that of Canada (3.29 million km?) and a population of 1.27 billion. The reason for Canada's low population is largely due to the harsh climatic conditions in the North of Canada. Because of its proximity to the North Pole, the northern part of the country is frozen solid most of the year. This is the reason over half the population lives close to the great lakes and St. Lawrence region located near the southern border where temperatures are comparatively milder. In this region, temperatures can dip as low as -25 degrees Celsius during the winters and can shoot up as high as 35 degrees Celsius in the summer. The climate varies across the country, but there are generally four
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