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Holidays, summer and the busy vacationing season, are all good reasons to pack a picnic and head out. Plenty of restaurants offer a variety of spreads. This natural beauty, coined as the honeymoon capital, is a giant magnet drawing thousands towards its magnificent splendour, playing host to people from both sides of the USA and Canadian borders. A must on the list of all tourists, this wonder of the world, sees at least 13 million people per year. Many visitors consider a holiday incomplete if they do not visit Niagara Falls. Some people drive and view it in just a day. Staying for a longer time you can perhaps view a lot more places in and around the Falls. It lies about 80 miles south west of Toronto. It takes anywhere from one to two hours to get there and the highway QEW, called the Queen Elizabeth Way, first opened to commemorate the first royal visit by King George the 6th and Queen Mother in 1939, is the main artery connecting the city to the Falls. Coach Canada, Mega buses and Greyhound can all be taken from Union station on Front street in Toronto. The Horseshoe falls (Canadian side) crescent is at 177 ft and carries nine times more water than its USA counter part. The bridal veil is
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