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The Nautanki Mahal , an opulent ,cinematic theatrical musical experience , is India's state of the future 839 seater auditorium that offers a 4D experience." Exclaimed the organisers. "It has a mammoth stage and cutting edge technology with spectacular visual effects." We were already mesmerised and plunged into a spectacle beyond imagination while viewing the magical cinematic experience of India's pageantry, tradition and talent. The need for India to have a theatre of it's own ,similar to Roy Thomson hall,Toronto with best acoustics, or perhaps like the ones in Vegas ,New York, London showcase musical theatrics has now been fulfilled. It is showing the biggest Bollywood musical stage show ever called Zangoora, The Gypsy Prince. Here actors perform larger than life dances ,action and aerial sequences. Cirque du Soleil now you have competition !! Broadway shows you better watch out ! Vegas you have competition in the eastern part of the world. It has completed 300 successful
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