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Introduction Youth are an integral part of a nation. A nation that has energetic, curious and hard working youth and is able to provide them ample opportunity to work and grow builds a strong base for its own development. Youth of India Around 65% of the Indian population consists of youth. There have been numerous talented and hard working youth in our country that has made the nation proud. The young generation in India is enthusiastic and keen on learning new things. Be it in the field of science, technology or sports - the youth of our country excels in every field. Why to Empower the Youth? Here is why there is a need to empower the youth of the country: To help them attain knowledge and skills for their personal and professional growth. To help them explore their interests. To bring out their hidden potential. To sensitize them about the problems in the society and to educate them on how they can contribute towards eradicating the same. To enable exchange between youth belonging to different parts of the country as well as different nations. Empowerment of Youth in India The government of India also aims at youth-led development. Youth must play an active role in the growth and development of the country rather than being at the receiving end. In order to encourage and empower the young minds, the government of the country has launched the National Youth Policy. This is aimed at channelizing the potential of the youth in the right direction that would in turn help in strengthening the nation as a whole. Several education programs have also been launched to ensure that every child in the country gets education. The government of India does not make gender discrimination. With the intent to empower the girls in the country, the government has launched the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao program. The Department of Youth Affairs is also actively involved in the empowerment of the youth. It has launched several initiatives for enhancing the leadership qualities and other skills of the youth in the country. When the youth of the country will make complete use of their skills and potential the nation would certainly grow and develop and shall be recognized
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