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Once you have gathered or given the information on the internet, you can log off, that is, give instructions to your computer to get disconnected from from the net. The internet is like an ocean of information. You may wonder how one can find tiny bits of information in this ocean, but it is not at all different. The information on the net is stored and made available in a systematic way on websites. Websites are places on the net. Each website, that is, you can read or view the information stored on it. The thousands of websites on the net together form the World Wide Web. There are special computer programmers known as search engines to find websites. The internet makes it possible for computer users to get or send information very quickly. All you have to do is to log on that is give instructions to your computer to start using the internet. They you may see on the net. all the information you need. The information may be in the form of text, pictures, moving images, or even sounds. speeches or music. You can also send your own information on the net.
- ~
` - !
1 - @
2 - #
3 - $
4 - %
5 - ^
6 - &
7 - *
8 - (
9 - )
0 - _
- - +
= - Backspace
- Tab
- Q
q - W
w - E
e - R
r - T
t - Y
y - U
u - I
i - O
o - P
p - {
[ - }
] - |
\ - CapsLock
- A
a - S
s - D
d - F
f - G
g - H
h - J
j - K
k - L
l - :
; - "
' - Enter
- Shift
- Z
z - X
x - C
c - V
v - B
b - N
n - M
m - <
, - >
. - ?
/ - Shift
- Ctrl
- Fn
- win
- Alt
- Alt
- win
- Ctrl