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Girls are the pride of a family and they are the reason for the sustenance of human life on the earth. And this is one of the innumerable reasons why they deserve respect. But in today's world what we see is quite different. Though everyday we see girls breaching stereotypes and scaling new heights and proving themselves better than their male counterparts, there are also perpetually increasing number of crimes against them. Everyday we hear in news about girls being teased, raped, and murdered. And what can be more agonizing and heart-wrenching than hearing about eight-months old baby being raped. We as a human being feel very ashamed about it. So its quite obvious in such a situation that we start thinking about the harshest punishment that we can give to those criminals and we end up pondering about why don't we kill these animals? Why don't the judiciary provide death sentence to them? But aren't we being too emotional here? Yes, we are. We have to be rational. Death penalty is not an solution to every problem. There is a saying that "an eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind" . So instead of being swayed away emotionally by the public outcry, we need to sit and think why the already made strict laws have become inefficient? Why the government hasn't been able to tackle this recurring crime? It isn't that this demand for death penalty is new in our country. In fact, there are a few cases where capital punishment is legal in India. These cases are for murder, kidnapping, treason, terrorism, abetting the suicide of a minor. But have we been able to stop these crimes? No. These crimes are committed everyday. The laws made against rape and murder will prove enough once they are enacted in an effective and proper way without delaying. Now I would like to cite some reasons that why we should refrain from providing death
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