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Doctors, in India, are given a high stature. However, the healthcare industry in India is not at par with that in the first world countries. Even though we have good facility to study medicine and also have a pool of talented doctors, there is still a long way to go. Doctors and Healthcare in India Here is a brief look at the condition of the healthcare industry and doctors in our country: Numerous private nursing homes and hospitals are being set up in India. The irony is that none of these is being set up with the aim of serving the public. These are just there to do business. The government has set up numerous government hospitals. Many of these have a good infrastructure however most are not being managed well. There is a lot of corruption at various levels in the healthcare industry. Everyone wants to make money even if it is at the cost of someone's health. The staff employed at the government hospitals are also not committed to serve the patients properly. There are several cases wherein the reports get misplaced and medicines are not given timely to the patients. Besides, there is mismanagement when it comes to supply of medicines and medical equipment to the hospital. Not only the patients, doctors also face problems in such a set up. The duty of the doctors is to check the patient, diagnose the problem, carry out treatment and monitor the condition of the patient. However, due to the shortage of nurses and support staff, doctors are forced to carry out various menial tasks as well. The time the doctors should spend in analyzing the reports and monitoring the patient's condition is spent in tasks such as giving injections and taking the patients from one ward to another. This burdens the doctors with work and creates dissatisfaction among them. Can we Trust the Doctors? As mentioned above, the private hospitals and nursing homes are being set up with the aim of doing business and not with the intent to serve the public. This has been proved time and again by way of several cases of forgery. People in India hesitate visiting doctors these days because of trust factor. Many people prefer taking medicines for common cold, flu and fever at home itself as it is believed that the doctors may exaggerate the issue unnecessarily.
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