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An ideal student is the one who is good in academics as well as in co-curricular activities. While every parent wants his child to do well in school only a few are able to fulfil these expectations. Parent's role should not only be to lecture their children and set high expectations from them but also to help them fulfil those expectations by nurturing and guiding them properly. Characteristics of an Ideal Student Here are some of the key characteristics of an ideal student: Hard Worker An ideal student sets goals and works extremely hard to achieve them. He wants to do best in studies, sports as well as other activities and doesn't hesitate to put in his best effort to achieve the same. Determined An ideal student does not give up even when the times get tough. He stays determined to achieve the set goals and works continually to achieve the same. Problem Solver Many students are seen giving excuses for various things including reaching late to the school/ coaching centre, not completing their homework, not doing well in the exam and so on. However, an ideal student is one who looks for solutions to such problems rather than coming up with excuses. Trust Worthy An ideal student is trustworthy. Teachers often assign them different duties which they carry out without fail. Positive An ideal student will always be seen donning a positive outlook. Even if the syllabus is vast, even if the teacher schedules a test without giving much time to study, even if there is a sudden call for some competitive activity. An ideal student remains positive in every situation and takes on the challenge with a smile. Curious To Learn An ideal student is curious to learn new things. He does not hesitate asking questions in the class. An ideal student also goes out of his way to read books and surf the internet to widen his knowledge about different things. Takes Initiatives An ideal student is also ready to take initiatives. This is a great way to learn, understand and enhance one's knowledge and ability.
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