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My Early Memories of Lucknow We lived in a joint family. I lived with my parents and grandparents. My early memories of Lucknow are all related to my grandparents, their stories, the streets of Lucknow and the weekend trips to the nearby markets. I remember going for morning walk with my grandfather who used to narrate his childhood experiences on the way. I remember the freshness of the bougainvillea plant that grew in our backyard. I remember my evening visits to the beautiful white marble temple with my grandmother. I remember the fragrance of the freshly prepared kabab paranthas at the street stall in our neighbourhood. I also remember my weekend trips to the market with my parents. We shopped and ate and had a lot of fun during that time. My Favourite Spots in Lucknow Lucknow is known for its markets, its scrumptious food and beautiful monuments. My favourite spots in Lucknow are the Imam Bara, Marine Drive, Hazrat Ganj market and Bhootnath market. I have a lot of fond memories of these places. I have visited Imam Bara quite a few times. The first time I visited this place with my parents when I was very young. A few years later I visited the place as a part of my school excursion. We also went to the place when my maternal aunt and cousins visited us. I can visit Imam Bara over and over again and still not get bored. We often visited marine drive in the evening. A stroll by the river side was extremely rejuvenating. I also loved shopping trips to Bhootnath and Hazrat Ganj markets with my mother. We both love shopping and the variety of things we got there was just amazing.
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