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A first hand guide to the mesmerizing Niagra Falls for all those who wish to gaze upon the magnificence of God's work. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It's loveliness increases, it shall never pass into nothingness...." wrote Keats. Many things of great beauty come to mind, but there are few places that can actually arrest us in riveted awe and keep us magically spellbound. Situated on Niagara river, the Falls is one such place. No matter the time of the year, gazing at the steep drop, one is left fascinatingly enthralled. "Where does all this water come from and where does it go?" Endless questions fascinating answers! The electricity produced by the falls is used in parts of Ontario and New-York state. Tourists and locals alike, never tire of visiting this wonderful city. Holidays, summer and the busy vacationing season, are all good reasons to pack a picnic and head out. Plenty of restaurants offer a variety of spreads. T
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