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Introduction Communication is a way of putting across ones ideas and opinions and listening that of the others'. It is important to have a two way communication for a healthy conversation. People who understand the importance of communication develop healthier personal and professional relationships. On the other hand, people who keep things to themselves instead of discussing and resolving them experience problems at various levels. Importance of Communication in Personal Relationships It is extremely important to communicate with our near and dear ones to keep things smooth. Be it a parent child relationship, husband wife relationship, relationship with siblings or relationship with in-laws - it is essential to maintain a healthy two way communication to build a strong relationship. A relationship that lacks communication can never be successful and is faced with a lot of misunderstandings. For instance, a parent child relationship is beautiful when they communicate well with each other. A family where the children are not hesitant to discuss different kinds of matters with their parents is best for the child's all round development. This kind of comfort level is build by the parents by way of communication. It is only when the parents communicate with their children and lends an ear to listen to them that the children feel comfortable with them and share their personal experiences with them. Similarly, it is said that a husband-wife relationship works best if they develop a deep bond of friendship with each other. This is because friends share everything with each other and stand strong for one another through thick and thin. They do not have to worry about the reaction of the other person as they know they wouldn't be judged. Husband wife who communicate more with each other build better trust and transparency and thus develop a stronger bond. On the other hand, those who do not discuss their problems with each other tend to bottle up the feelings, develop mistrust and it leads to major problems later on. Many of them discuss their problems with outsiders rather than discussing the same with each other and eventually to fall apart. Many people have the habit of turning cold and giving silent treatment to their loved ones to show their anger. This is the worst punishment you can give someone.
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